Katia Bishops: The Designated Grownup


It's Time to Spring Clean Your Résumé!

Making your Résumé More Concise and Reader-Friendly

Spring Cleaning Your Resume | YummyMummyClub.ca

Do you have a spring cleaning routine? Perhaps a more relevant question would be “do you have SPRING?”  While so many of us still can’t see the spring for the snow/rain/single digit temperatures, others are thrilled to be unfollowing their winter gear and comfort food in preparation for warmer weather. Spring, after all, is about feeling lighter. Those among us, searching for jobs will, no doubt, feel invigorated about pursuing their job search in a non-polar vortex reality, but what about their résumés? Don’t they deserve to feel lighter too?

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you’re trying to pack into this fairly restricting two-page format? Try applying some spring cleaning de-clutter principles to make your résumé more reader friendly. Below is my suggest purge checklist:


The Objective category is a résumé trap we set up for ourselves. By including it we are forced to discuss our future goals, but to do so using terms that are vague enough so as not to write ourselves out of a given job.  So what’s the point then? Consider this as well:  from an employer’s perspective the applicant’s primary objective, and therefore the most relevant one, should be securing the position they’ve applied for. Employers are not concerned with custom designing our dream job based on objective but rather with filling an opening they have. Et voila, the reasons why I find this category redundant. 

Instead of an objective on my own résumé I always add the title of whatever position I’m applying for next to my name, so it would appear this way: KATIA BISHOPS – LEAD RECRUITER, listing my contact info underneath. A much more suitable platform to discuss your career progression and goals, would be your cover letter or interview.

High school accolades, academic grades and grade point averages

Unless you stay in the academia or assume a research-based role, school life bears little relevance to “real life” and therefore this information does not belong on a professional résumé. The only other possible exception to the rule would be if you’re currently a high school student or a recent graduate with no work experience in which case you’ll selectively apply to your résumé such information as: academic excellence awards and membership in committees where you’ve gained work-related transferrable skills.

Graduation and attendance dates of education preceding the highest level you’ve completed

If you’ve graduated with a BA degree, listing the dates you’ve attended high school is not necessary. The fact you’ve paid your high school dues is implied by your obtaining an academic degree. The same goes for graduating with a BA degree and proceeding into a MA program in the same field of studies.

Professional Certificates that are not applicable for the job you’re applying for

If you’re applying for an administrative role in the financial sector don’t include the fact that you’re a licensed forklift operator, even though this information would be useful in a general labour oriented résumé.


A typically unnecessary category. If the employer’s interested they’ll bring this up during your interview.  

References available upon request

Of course they are!  Pointing this out is about as useful as stating: “I have skills and I will discuss them with you should I be invited to an interview.”  

Good luck and happy cleaning!

 RELATED: Spring Clean Your Sleep Routine!