
The Top 10 Secrets of 21st Century Parenthood

A Gif-Illustrated Guide to the Survival Tools You'll Need

The Top 10 Secrets of 21st Century Parenthood

Want to know what secrets are in my tech playbook to make parenting a little more user-friendly?

Here are my top 10 picks. 

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Hey You! Stop Sending Your Sick Kid To School

Why Your Germy Kid Looks Like A Peanut Butter Sandwich To Me

Somebody please tell me why we can’t take peanut butter to school, but sending a highly infectious kid is totally fine?

I get why we introduce policies in schools, and I totally understand the ‘no peanut’ rule. Just so we’re clear this isn’t an attack on any existing policies or the policy makers. This is a plea to the common sense that I think falls through the cracks of harried daily parenting.

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How To Introduce Your Kid To A New Partner, Part 2

Only Slightly More Terrifying Than Nude Public Speaking

Introducing your kids to your new partner doesn't have to be scarier than farting in yoga class. Here's my second post about how I handled the Big Intro. If you missed the first part, you can check it out here.


Don't Force Interaction

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How To Introduce Your Kid To A New Partner, Part 1

. . . And You Thought Blind Dates Were Awkward

Introducing your kids to your new partner can be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences. Ever.

When I was first single (post-separation), I was not thinking about dating. I didn’t once consider myself "available," I wasn’t getting out there, and sex was never on the forefront of my mind.

Those topics felt surreal and off-limits to me, somehow.

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27 Reasons Why ‘Quirky’ Needs A Closer Look

Oh, The Funny Things We Do To Guard Our Hearts

I often hear about how funny and ‘quirky’ my daughter is.

“She has such a sense of comedic timing.”

“She loves to perform.”

“She is so expressive, she’s never afraid of being herself, and she has so many friends!”

Those are the days I feel like the universe is giving me some kind of Good Parenting High Five.

I feel great predominantly because my kid is feeling great.

But I know the flipside to my kid.

She might be the life of the party, but she also has anxiety.

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30 Things To Tell Your Kids While They're Young

Adding To This To-Do List Is A Good Thing

talking to your kids

I spent some time in the hospital at the end of 2013, and although it wasn’t serious, it was enough to get me thinking about a part 2 for the 50 Things I Need To Tell My Kid article that I posted more than a year ago.

I’ve had Crohn’s for years, but I’ve been lucky enough to manage it with basic treatment (5-ASA drugs) and a few non-admittance visits to the hospital. This year, I wasn’t as lucky.

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6 Ways To Go From Mom to WOW

WIN 1 of 3 $500 Makeover Packages from Civello Salon & Spas

Enter to win 1 of 3 $500 makeover packages from Civello Salons and Spas!


We stay up late, we worry, we fret, we grapple.

We’re 5 minutes ahead of the game, and 5 years into the future.

We constantly play Tetris with the resources and people in our lives so that we can make sure that everyone is happy.

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30 Ways To Embrace Real Beauty Now

Stop Passing Judgment On Yourself

Sometimes we get caught up in ourselves.

In our reflections.

In our rejections.

We look to reconnect with that person inside of us, but often settle for a passing reflective surface and a snap judgment about how we look and what we’re wearing.

Maybe we are torturing ourselves. Maybe we’re not eating. Maybe we’re binging. Maybe we’re purging. Maybe we are programming ourselves to feel shame about our bodies, and crossing our fingers that our children or friends and families don't see what we’re doing or why.

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5 Ways NOT To Fight With Your Ex During A Separation

Your World War D Emotional Survival Kit

Generally the Ex and I don’t fight, which is pretty awesome. But when we do? Good. Lord. It’s like listening to Sean Connery spiel about Capone in the Untouchables.

“They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That's* the *Chicago* way!”

Holy escalation.

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