
How to Stare Down a Funk and Win, Part 2

Meditations for Acceptance, Life, Love, and Mummydom

In the last couple months I’ve actually had my friends and mentors start to try and intervene between me and the sweet comfort of my funk. They didn't just notice that something was off, by the way. ‘Noticing,’ is when some subtle detail makes you skew your head to one side and say ‘hmmm.’ I’m talking intervention. Like flat out:

“Kat, you are doing way too much and it’s showing…you’re slipping up...”


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How to Stare Down a Funk and Win, Part 1

Rock Bottom Can Be A Really Comfortable Place

Contrary to popular belief, hitting rock bottom is not accompanied by a film noir soundtrack. There is no montage of mug shots and scandalous articles fresh off the press. There is no Biography special that tours the squalor of a Vegas motel room littered with empty whisky bottles, drug paraphernalia, and interviews with a prostitute named Trixie.

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This is it. This is what I’ve been training for. This is the moment that it all comes down to.

The first day of our shoot.

We don’t have a set decorator, a 1st Assistant Director, continuity, or wardrobe.

The director has been puking all night, and I have no on set help with my daughter today.

Bring it.

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Confessions Of A Film Set Mummy: Wednesday

Pre-Production Nerves, Mummy Guilt, And Self-Doubt

A few months ago, I decided to make a movie. Remember? It was my new baby.

Well, after nurturing, growing, and carrying around this project, we kicked it into labour!

On Monday, I packed up my kid, got on a plane, and flew from Toronto to Vancouver to make a movie.

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