World Autism Awareness Day |

It's that time again. April has reared its head, and I'm wondering what to say about autism that hasn't already been said. What could I possibly bring to the table, as a parent, that will make the unaware more aware?

Then I realize I don't have to say anything at all. A 13 year-old girl has summed up what you need to know about autism more eloquently and succinctly than people more than double her age.

Plus, who better to ask about autism than someone who is actually autistic?

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Don't Fix Me: I'm Different, Not Broken

Delving Inside The Asperger Mind

inside asperger's

When it comes to special needs, there seems to be two schools of parenting: one that aims to understand and accept and another that seeks to change or cure. My philosophy tends to align with the former. I'm done with laying blame. I'm done with reading up on the latest possible cause or the hottest new "remedy" for autism.

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Learning To Look Through The Autism Lens

I wouldn't change his essential nature, even if i could

autism lens

They say the key to a happy relationship is to accept, and never try to change, your partner. It's easier said than done (especially for those with a 'fixer-upper' mentality). I'd go one further and say the same applies to children with special needs.

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