Get Your Sh*t Together: 7 Hacks to Getting Your Life Back

It's Time to Cut the Bullshit and Start Living

All things considered I have a pretty good life: great kids, great job, great friends.

Great, right? Well, mostly. I was exhausted and sleeping many nights in clothes I would only partially remove because I was just that tired at the end of the day. Sometimes I had to check a calendar to see when my hair was last washed, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch had become a lunch box staple. I also wasn't honouring myself or many of my needs, but I couldn't understand why not because the truth was I do actually have the ability to carve out some free time for myself. So, I did a personal audit. I was wasting a lot of time and mental energy to things that were basically bullshit. And if Get Your Shit Together is about anything at all, it is about cutting the bullshit. FREE YOURSELF. 

Let's get started on some simple, easy steps that you can enact TODAY, for (basically) FREE and I promise that while they may not be multiple orgasm terrific, they will at very least feel like a nice feel and a peck on the neck. 



Jeni Marinucci is YMC's Creative Director. She has a guilty conscience, a love for humour, and a questionable home-haircut. After her children were old enough to make their own sandwiches, she returned to University to complete her B.A. in English Literature—a designation which has provided her with an extensive library and crushing student loans. When no teaching college wanted her, she had to choose between taking orders through a drive-thru window or from an editor. She chose the latter.