Jen Warman: New Freakin' Mummy


No, I Have Not Had the Baby Yet

Information Overload

So, I’m sitting at home bored because I thought I’d have a baby in my arms by now.


I was so good at keeping myself busy and distracted up until my due date, but now what?

The kitchen has been scrubbed, all my files are in order, and there is only so much trashy daytime TV

I can handle (which is usually 30 minutes worth) before I’m filled with a slothsome* guilt. 

*Yes, I made up that word, that’s how bored I am.

Anyway, I do have something fun I’d like to share—even if it’s not news of a chubby little baby. 

About a week ago, two of my comic friends and I got together to make our first “Mamamaniacs” sketch comedy video. It’s entitled “Information Overload” because one thing I’ve learned about being pregnant is that everyone has a book for you to read and everyone is an expert in everything. When did motherhood need so many manuals?

I hope you enjoy our first video, and stay tuned—there will be more to follow...

