Hailey Eisen: Our Happy Place


Celebrate The Holidays With Sonshine and Broccoli

Or How My Preschooler Became Star Sturck

At one point or another we've all experienced what it feels like to be star struck. Maybe it was someone super talented; or incredibly charming; or majorly famous. Whether you met them in person or saw them perform live—there's no mistaking that feeling. 

What I didn't realize is that it can happen to a 3-year-old.

It wasn't Sleeping Beauty, who enchanted her friends at her third birthday party. Or Barney, who she recently saw live at The Baby Time Show. Or even Raffi, who she's getting to see for a second time this February.

My daughter's very first star obsession revolves around a Toronto children's performer by the name of Sonshine!

Maybe you've heard of her? Her real name is Lisa Sonshine and she's one half of the musical duo Sonshine & Broccoli. She's spunky, full of life, and a great entertainer. And my daughter totally infatuated with her.

It started when Sonshine & Broccoli performed at her daycare this summer. She came home singing all of their songs and begging me to take her to their Halloween concert.

So we went to the concert. And this happened...

(That's my little pink butterfly up on stage!! Note: you couldn't have paid me to get up on stage at a concert when I was a kid)

Then this happened...

And from that moment on...it's been all Sonshine all the time around our house.

"I want Sonshine to be in my family," she said. "I want to go see another Sonshine concert," she said. "I want to listen to the Sonshine & Broccoli CD in the car...EVERY DAY," she said. And the best..."I want a Sonshine doll for Hanukkah! Please mommy!"

It's been over a month and she's still talking about that show. Still talking about Sonshine and how much she loves her.

So, you can only imagine that we're counting down the days until the next Sonshine & Broccoli concert. Which happens to be coming up very soon.

If your kids love music and dancing, then they'll love Sonshine & Broccoli. I promised Lisa I'd help promote her upcoming Holiday concerts (since my kid is now the unofficial head of her fan club and all) plus, when I find something that makes my kid so happy, I'm more than happy to share it.

So here are the details:


To order tickets email: [email protected]


Click here to buy tickets.

Finally, Sonshine & Broccoli also do music classes, birthday parties, and perform at schools and camps across Ontario and beyond. If you want more info, check them out online at sonshineandbroccoli.com.

I hope your kids love them as much as mine does. See you at the show!