
My Daughters: So Similar, Yet So Very Different

My precious big girl and my darling baby

So Similar, Yet So Very Different

I was recently sent some free Playtex products to test with my two daughters and while testing, a realization hit me. They both interacted so differently to the same products. Each one using it in a way that is unique to herself. My precious big girl and my darling baby, each showing me a glimpse into their own unique and precious personalities...

My daughters are like all siblings the world over. They’re so different yet so very similar.

Each one is a unique piece of our family puzzle.

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The Internet Has Become My BFF

Meet my new friend Playtex Mommyville

Night-time feedings suck. There’s just no other way to put it. It’s no fun at all to be sleep-deprived and there is nothing appealing about constantly being woken up in the middle of the night.

But (FYI, there is always a but)….

I’m all about trying to make the best out of bad situations. Which is why I’ve figured out something that actually makes my night-time feedings much more pleasant. These feedings have become my time to read mommy sites online. Multitasking at its finest, obviously.

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