Marrying a girl from Wisconsin has many immediate benefits. You automatically get to become a legitimate fan of the winning-est franchise in NFL history; you don't need an excuse to drink beer before noon; and you don't need to apologize to anyone for your insatiable love of cheese. Sure I could tell you all of the other reasons I married a girl from Wisconsin, but I'd rather win the day on beer and cheese alone. Crack open a bottle of your favourite brew and get a load of the cheesy goodness of this recipe for homemade Parmesan Gnocchi. It's not difficult at all.

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Ricotta Gnudi Recipe

Your kids' new favourite pasta will be the one you make them at home!

Be careful how you word it when you ask your friends if they'd like to check out your gnudis (with a silent 'g' it's pronounced "nudey.") However, they'll all fall in love with this ricotta-based football-shaped pasta that's as fluffy as clouds. Gnudi is similar to gnocchi — it's a soft, thick pasta made with flour and egg but is lighter because it's main ingredient is ricotta cheese. The consistency can almost be compared to a matzoh ball — but oh-so-much-more delicious!

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Sweet 'n Fresh Chicken Recipe

Your kids won't believe how delicious mom or dad can cook!

Since midway through this summer our family has been all about using real foods in our recipes and avoiding a lot of the additives and preservatives in packaged foods. It's also cut out a lot of the excess sodium and sugar (read: corn syrup) in our diets. While we would have once used sauce from a jar, this chicken recipe is fully flavoured from ingredients that are fresh and delicious. It got adapted from using white sugar to a bit of maple syrup but otherwise it's still true to form.

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