A New Mom's Guide to Surviving the First 4 Weeks of Motherhood (and Babydom)

The products this mom couldn't live without.

It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that I’ve been somebody’s mother for four weeks. I mean, I still haven’t really processed that I was pregnant for forty weeks and gave birth and all that. Seriously. The last four weeks have been intense. One observation I’ve made, whether casual or subliminal, has been how drastically my nightstand contents have changed.

Gone are the days of my tattered paperback, glass cup of lemon water, unsmudged reading glasses, multiple iPlugs, and my hangover cure all bottle of Advil.

I have a new arsenal now. Things I would never go into the first four Mommy weeks without. These aren’t your typical baby onesies and bibs - nope, they are the things we ran to the store to buy because it didn’t occur to us to have them on-hand before our baby was born.

It's hard to figure out what you need to survive as a new mom. Here's a list of one mom's essential baby products to help her in those first weeks! | Parenting | YummyMummyClub.ca

Erin Trafford is a former radio and television broadcast journalist turned DIY blogger; who's obsessed with all things paint and power tools. She's made over entire rooms for less than $500, is frequently seen hauling dilapidated furniture off the curb, and is incredibly proud of the day she decided to nail her old back yard fence to her basement wall.

She love dogs, cats, Han Solo and pie – probably in that order. Erin and her (incredibly patient) husband Dan bought their little house by the sea in 2013, just outside of Halifax, Nova Scotia. They have been working tirelessly since then to turn it into a castle, one project and one blog post at a time. You can find all their bloggy and house adventures over at DIY Passion. This year they are adding a baby into the blogging and DIY mix, expecting the arrival of their first child in the Fall.