Erin Trafford


Make Your Front Door Fall-Friendly with this Monogram Pine Cone Accent

Do this craft with kids at home on a cozy afternoon.

 Do this easy fall pinecone craft with kids at home on a cozy afternoon | DIY

Summer is coming to a close and with that comes the dreaded ‘f’ word.


Thanksgiving. Pumpkins. Pinecones. Pie and chunky sweaters - it is the season we love to love, but hate to see arrive.

 Do this easy fall pinecone craft with kids at home on a cozy afternoon | DIY

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Make your own Scrap Wood Pumpkins for Fall

I’ll admit it.

I’m a DIY and decor blogger who isn’t really that into fall… I’ll give you a minute to pick your jaw up off the floor.

I know. It’s like sacrilege in my world to even whisper that you aren’t into the season that follows summer and precedes winter. I've always felt like our Canadian summers are so short lived and our winters are so harsh, that I don’t want to make time for those ‘between’ seasons - especially when it comes to investing in decor.

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Decorating a Nursery on a Budget |

A penny saved is a penny earned, right?

Ummm… no.

These days, I feel, a penny saved is a penny that can be put somewhere more useful - like say a savings account, a new roof fund, that emergency vet bill (those always seem to come out of left field, don’t they?)

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How I Learned to Carry Clean Underwear in My Purse

My last ‘rule’ for pregnancy should have been “I was not going to pee down my leg.”

In retrospect, my last ‘rule’ for pregnancy should have been “I was not going to pee down my leg.” | Health |

We go into this journey called ‘growing a human being’ with the best of intentions, don’t we? I’d like to think so.

When we finally ended up with a sticky baby, I set a few ‘rules’ for myself.

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When Children Are Murdered: Lessons From My Years in the Newsroom

Do You Remember These Children? I Can't Forget Them

When Children are Victomes of Crime |

Karissa Boudreau.

Holly Jones.

Tori Stafford.

Cecilia Zhang.

Aurora Breakthrough.

Farah Khan.

I never knew these girls, but I remember them all.

I will remember them for as long as I live.

Karissa was killed by her mother because she got in the way of a relationship with a new man. The ligature used to choke her life away tossed haphazardly in the trash can at a local drive-thru.

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Who knew a guest room could bring tears? |

If I had a nickel for every unexpected emotion I’ve experienced being pregnant so far, I’d have at least enough money to buy a milkshake. I mean, blogs and articles and books and doctors can attempt prepare you, but I have found it’s those weird unexpected twists and turns that are giving me the biggest and best emotional highs.

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I'm Not Pregnant... WE Are Pregnant

I forget sometimes, it’s his pregnancy too.

I forget sometimes, it’s my husband's pregnancy too. | Relationships |

We were sitting on the big family room couch, catching up on episodes of Better Call Saul on Netflix. I’d had my late night pregnancy snack and I was ready to just chill and fall asleep.

You know how you put a show on with the intention of sleeping through it? Yeah. That was me.

“Do you think I’ll be able to feel it?” asked my husband.

Normally I’d say “Shut up, you perv… not now!”, but I realized he was talking about the movement of the baby in my belly.

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I'm Nesting My Home for New Baby... the "Real World" Way

Reality Check #1 - Babies and Kids Bring an Awesome Mess

Preparing House for New Baby |

I know you’ve seen them.

The episodes of any home and design show where desperate young parents plead with a wily and energetic interior designer to help them ‘reclaim their home’ from their kids.

The before images are almost always the same - a living room that looks like it was ravaged by a Toys’R’Us tornado, a dining room table buried in arts and crafts, plastic bins of stuffies and Lego and dinky cars lining the hallways and ‘no place’ for the parents to just be adults.

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