Erin Chawla: The Kiducation Learning Curve


The Race to Begin Reading

Will teaching your child to read early give them an advantage?

 Forcing reading instruction too soon may actually have a harmful effect on your child’s literacy development. | Parenting |

The importance of literacy is touted everywhere. The more literate a nation, the better they fare in the world market. International studies show that a positive attitude toward reading impacts student success in all subjects, and is a high predictor of future success.

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Advice from a Teacher on Getting Your Kid Kindergarten-Ready

Make the kindergarten experience great for you and your little one

Advice from a Teacher on Getting Your Kid Kindergarten-Ready

Remember when your baby was just a little bundle, unable to do anything for herself, depending on you for everything? It seems like yesterday for me. I can’t believe I’ve just registered this little squishy face for junior kindergarten!

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What's the BEST Age of Childhood?

Delighting in Disarray - A Love Letter to 3

The Wonder of a 3 Year-Old |

Terrible twos, threenagers, and fournados - the preschool set has a poor reputation and can keep parents counting the minutes until bedtime. Yet, when I took my eldest to her three year-old checkup, her pediatrician suggested three is the most magical age of childhood.

Is your little one at their most adorable when they sleep, or is this the most wondrous time of their young lives? I say, it’s up to you.

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Make Old Toys New Fun (and Save Money, Too!)

Make Your Playroom More Educational with a Few Simple Tweaks

How to Make Old Toys into New Fun |

There are hoards of “educational” toys on the market, from pens that promise to teach your child to read, to robots that introduce simple coding to brightly coloured wooden puzzles meant to boost the IQ of every baby who encounters them. While some of these toys might be rather useful, some of them not so much and most of them cost a ridiculous amount.

Looking for a few ideas to rev up the learning potential in your playroom without taking out a second mortgage? Here you go:

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The Cursive Writing is on the Wall

Is scripted handwriting a vital skill or useless diversion?

Is handwriting necessary for students? |

Every time the educational system takes a step forward and alters how teaching was done in the past, there is a faction that argues a return to the old ways. Often, adults look back to their own time in grade school and declare “If it was good enough for me…”

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Is Your Child's Giftedness Really a Gift?

Why a gifted learner may not be top of the class

The Gift of Struggle |

Teaching gifted students is the same as teaching students with learning disabilities, or even teaching students with brown hair, in that they are a diverse group with a huge variety of strengths and needs. There is no one-size-fits all approach to nurturing the gifted learner, and assuming the gifted student can more-or-less teach themselves may be a recipe for disaster. 

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The Gift of Struggle

Kick-A$$ Successes Who Triumphed Over Disabilities

The Gift of Struggle |

"We are in this class because we are not as smart as the other kids.”

Wrong, wrong, wrongy, wrong, wrong!

I love working with students with learning disabilities. It is one of my favourite roles as a teacher and I’ve been lucky enough to work with this population for many years.

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Raising Confident Girls in a Judgemental World

How parents and teachers can help to grow big, beautiful self-esteems

Raising Confident Girls in a Judgemental World

Not three seconds after my youngest daughter entered the world, the nurse exclaimed, “she’s a big girl!” And with that, a lifetime of being judged on her appearance began.

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Future All-Female Space Mission May Proceed Without Mascara

Space Program's Attempt at Equality Takes Feminism a Giant Leap Backward

Space Program for Women

Wow, six women in a confined, high-pressure space for eight whole days and no one broke down weeping? No one got into a hair-pulling, scratching match?  Not one woman called another a bitch? That sure is a leap forward for womankind. Sarcasm intended.

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Why Traditional School Spelling Tests Need to be Trashed

Is there a point to putting kids under this spell?

spelling tests are they neccesary

Ah, the dreaded spelling test – for some kids, those who excel at memorization, the Friday spelling quiz is a chance to shine. For other kids, the Friday spelling kids brings anxiety, tears, and creates the mistaken belief that a child is a “poor speller.” Some parents question the validity of the traditional spelling program that hasn’t changed since their own school experience; others raise a cry of dismay when a teacher abandons this dated practice.

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5 Fun Ideas to Teach Financial Literacy to Your Kids

Are You Forgetting to Teach Your Kids This Vital Life Skill?

5 Fun Ideas to Promote Financial Literacy in Your Kids

The approach I take when teaching my students about money and finances is: Learn by doing. I believe people learn best by using facts in real-life contexts. The more kids are challenged to solve meaningful problems using their math skills, the more the answers will become ingrained in the child’s long-term memory, easily accessible for future use.

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Help! My Child Hates Their Teacher!

6 Steps to Resolving Teacher-Student Conflict

my child hates their teacher

So, the first month of school is almost done and you’ve received countless permission forms and letters and sent in money for this and that. Hopefully by now you have a sense of your child’s teachers – their philosophies on education and their style of discipline.  And maybe you’ve formed a few opinions.

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5 Tips to Help You Prepare for Baby #2 (or #3 or #7!)

When you're expecting your first child, you'll most likely be all consumed in preparing for baby (like I was and like most other first-time moms are!).

I had several apps I consulted frequently that included countless checklists about what to pack for the hospital. I also read many books and endlessly researched the best baby products. My bag was packed months in advance and included a plethora of the latest and greatest newborn gear.

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What? Hot Wheels Can Make Our Kids Smarter?

Stop Summer "Brain Drain" and Have Fun Doing It!

What? Hot Wheels Can Make Our Kids Smarter?

The end of summer is fast approaching - big trips are done, play dates are dwindling and parents are running short on ideas to keep their kids’ minds and hands busy - all while anticipating the beginning of the new school year. But with a few weeks left of summer holidays, how can we best keep our kids learning to have them fully prepared for the start of the new school year?

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robotic programs for girls

Nine year old girl Cash Cayen tried to sign up for a summer robotics program at her local library. Not only was the program advertised as “Boys only”, but even when Cash and her mother spoke to the library administration, they would not remove the biased restriction. And this was right here in Canada – a developed nation that prides itself on our inclusivity. 

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8 Awesome Authors Captivate Tween & Teen Readers
I don’t remember there being "tweens" when I was growing up.  In the olden days, before internet and the rampant fear of gluten, trains speed on through from childhood to teenagedom without stopping at tween depot.  However, I am a fan of the tween period, loosely defined as the ages from ten to thirteen years old.  Kids this age are don’t really fit in the same bracket as energetic preschoolers, but aren’t quite ready for driver’s licenses and late night parties.

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A Teacher Talks Report Cards: What's the Freaking Point?

Does anyone really care about the report cards without comments?

Report cards - do they mean anything?

When my daughter was about 4 months old we went into Parent and Tot swimming and at the end, she received her first report card. On bright pink paper adorned with stickers and drops of pool water, yet I still tucked that precious paper away in her keepsake box. At the time, her skill set included drooling and holding her head up and her “swimming” ability was based solely on my bouncing her around and singing songs while in the water, but still, somehow, the report card signified an achievement. That paper shows my baby put in the required effort and completed something.

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8 Kid's Authors Who Keep Reading Fun

Captivating Authors Who Keep Your Kid's Attention

There are many children's literature lists out there that focus on classic authors, such as C.S. Lewis and E.B. White.  While those well-loved stories continue to stand the test of time, many kids connect more with more current publications - say, after the invention of the internet.

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I Wish My Child's Teacher Knew...

Messages to Teachers from Parents Who Know Their Kids Best

Over the last two weeks, an article has been making the rounds regarding a school teacher who got her students talking about things they’d been keeping a secret.

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How to Raise a Genius in 5 Easy Steps

Hint: You're probably already knocking this out of the park

There are a series of studies highlighting the importance of the first three years of a child’s life - many of us have read or heard of them. Researchers have discovered that the first 1000 days are far more important in creating secure, confident, successful adults than we ever realized. 
Once upon a time, scientists saw brain development as a fixed process, influenced solely by your genes and that “smartness” was just attributed to luck.

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