
How To Assemble A Digital First-Aid Kit

Why I Use Tech To Keep My Kids Healthy

family healthcare and technology

If you ask parents how many times they’ve had to take their kids in to the hospital or emergency clinic, most of them will probably answer along the lines of “more times than I care to remember.”

Like me. That’s what I would say to you.

We are incredibly fortunate to have two happy kids who are constantly active. Unfortunately, sometimes being so constantly active results in constantly visiting the local hospital to see if a bone is broken.

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In March of 1989, a British Computer Scientist, by the name of Tim Berners-Lee, created an information management system, which involved communication between a Hypertext Transfer Protocal (HTTP) client and server. Thus, the World Wide Web was born.

Now it's 25 years later, and when we’re madly typing in a url, sometimes we don’t even bother typing in the “www.” nevermind the “http,” because we don’t need to.

But can you imagine what our lives would be like if the World Wide Web hadn’t been invented?

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Technology is such a large part of our lives, sometimes we don’t even realize just HOW far reaching it is. For kids today, they have access and are exposed to streams of technology that we ourselves never could have imagined as kids.

When I was little, high tech communication was the telephone, that was about it. Walkie-talkies were for SERIOUS tech geeks with lots of money.

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I was raised in a household where certain events, dates, times had a Welsh superstition attached to it. I’m not talking about your basic walking under ladders kind of superstition, I’m talking about much more than that.

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Dodge Grand Caravan: High Tech Mom Taxi

I love cars. I love technology. Whenever my two loves meet, it’s a win-win situation for everyone. When I was invited to take the new Dodge Grand Caravan for an extended spin, I jumped at the chance.

Since we’re currently experiencing the seven-year itch with our current minivan, I was excited to find out what kind of technology this minivan had to offer.

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What Happens When a Techy Family Unplugs

It's Time To Disconnect So We Can Reconnect

taking a tech timeout

The other day I counted the number of tech devices my family uses. It wasn’t long before I ran out of fingers and had to start using my toes.

iPads, iPhones, e-readers, video games, home computers, laptops, 6 phones for a family of 4 people. Seriously. It was looking like our love of tech was taking over. It was time for a tech timeout.

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How many times have you seen someone walking around outside with a shopping cart, that was clearly taken from a store? I’m guessing you’ve seen it more than a few times, and so have I. Shopping cart theft costs retailers thousands of dollars each year—the average cost of a shopping cart is $150, and they can be upwards of $400 in value. That’s a lot of money!

Can shopping cart theft be stopped? Yes, we have the technology.

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Last week I was introduced to a very cool new photo app called “Days.” Days is a visual diary app — something that you can use to share moments in your day.

According to their description on iTunes, “Days is the most natural, authentic, and casual way to capture and share your life. Keep your days private or share them with friends and family.”

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He Taught Me To Love Technology

This Gadget Girl Learned From A Master

One day when I was little, my Dad came bustling through the front door carrying a huge box. He was literally bursting with excitement about what he had brought home.

It was Pong.

It was the late seventies and the home version of the popular arcade game Pong had just been released. To have a Pong game system in your house, hooked up to your TV meant that you were the one, the Yoda of technology and the coolest block on the house.

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When you hear the words "School Science Fair" you probably think about baking soda volcanoes, right? Not anymore. Kids are getting more creative with science fair projects and a 13-year-old student in California recently made headlines when she launched her Hello Kitty doll into space. Yes, space.

This is the kind of homework kids can really get excited about.

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