
Twitter Attack Compromises Security For Thousands Of Users

Sophisticated Cyber-Hack Targets High Profile Sites

Approximately 250,000 Twitter users have had their online security compromised after a cyber-hack in which hackers may have gained access to user names, session tokens, encrypted passwords and email addresses.

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Twitter Messages You Should Never Click On. Ever.

Don't Get Caught By Thinking You Got Caught

Every day it seems I get direct messages from people on Twitter that say incredibly shocking things like,

“OMG I can’t believe they filmed you doing this!”
“Someone is spreading nasty rumours about you”
“This person is making up dreadful posts that are about you”
“What exactly are you doing in this movie?”

Contrary to popular belief, my life is not that exciting as these DMs might suggest. I'm actually quite well-behaved.

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Check Your Facebook Settings

Never Assume "Private" Will Always Mean "Private"

Mondays are always such busy days aren’t they? My Monday today was no exception, it’s been crazy busy with lots and lots of things to do. No problem, I was running on a big dose of vitamins and caffeine so I was fuelled for the busy day.

And then mid-Monday I started reading that Facebook was publishing private messages to public timelines.

What the what? Facebook you just farked up my Monday. This was not part of the schedule.

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