
Almost 4,200 people have made an online donation in the past few days to quickly raise money for a cause. Victims of the Boston marathon? No. Relief for people who lost their home in the Oklahoma hurricane? No.

The truth of the matter is, those thousands of people have donated OVER $100,000 (so far) so that the video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford allegedly smoking crack can be bought by media outlet Gawker. Over one hundred thousand dollars raised in just a few days, and the total is rapidly growing.

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Respectful Social Media

Tragic Events Are Not A Time To Sell Or Shock

The events that happened Monday at the Boston Marathon were shocking, horrific and sad. Moments after the bombs went off, social media was abuzz with questions about it. People nearby who heard the bombs were wondering what had happened. People who had friends and family in the race were wondering where their loved ones were. And then, people who were in the actual area started to tweet and post images of the area.

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