Eileen Fisher: GigaMom


WestJet Wins The Internet With This Viral Video

Want to feel good and cry at the same time? Watch this!

I watched a video this morning that made me smile and simultaneously cry. I hate it when that happens, but at the same time, I want to share what made me feel that way with the world so we can all do the ugly cry together.

This video recently published by WestJet as part of their Christmas Miracle contest is one of the most original holiday season promotions I’ve seen for a long while. While our media and social media airwaves are inundated with messages of commercialism that focus purely on the financial aspect of gift-giving, this unique video sends a different message altogether.

Take a look and see:

Now, yes, the people on that lucky flight got gifts — some of them big ticket items that technically do fall into the commercialism category, but beyond that, from the very beginning you get a sense of magic and wonderment about what WestJet did for these people.

When you saw the people’s reactions to the gifts, obviously they were happy about the actual item, but then you could tell that they were thinking “What?! Seriously? How did that happen?!”

That’s magical.

That’s Christmas.

Well done WestJet. You won the internet today.