
Who Says Books Aren't Technology?

Keep Our Secrets by Jordan Crane

It's a tumultuous time for the world of the printed book. With all the recent technology that has arrived in consumers hands along with the proliferation of e-books, the big question is what will happen to printed books in the near future. The discussion usually views the printed book as an outdated form of presenting a book. Something that is no longer advanced.

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Our Favourite Spooky Books

Some great children's books just in time for Halloween

It's that time of year again where we get to dress up in wacky costumes and celebrate all things scary. Unfortunately, when it comes to holiday-themed children's books, often times  they tend to be sub-par at best. Take a well known character from TV, put them in a costume, add a pumpkin and throw it on the market - why worry about a story or good writing? There is nothing that makes us madder than bad books for children. So, we would like to offer up a few of our favourite spooky books for little children.

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Spotlight on Nicholas Oldland

Great Books to Teach Children (and Adults!) Morals & Lessons

One of the things we love about children's books is that they deal with a lot of life's issues and problems in straightforward, easy to understand, and often times humorous ways. The best part is not only can children benefit from the lessons and morals found within the pages, but adults can as well. One author/illustrator who is great at speaking to children and also adults is Nicholas Oldland. It's no secret around here that we love his books.

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Shiver Me Timbers! Pirates Ahoy!

A Fun Selection Of Pirate Themed Books

We've always found it odd that pirates have become such popular characters for children. Gone are the brutal realities of their exploits, replaced with funny little costumes and odd speech. We're not sure what has made this sanitized modern image of pirates popular, it's probably "Treasure Island" or the Disneyland "Pirates of the Caribbean" ride, but whatever the reason it is here to stay. Not only are pirates popular characters for Halloween costumes and Lego sets, but there are also some mighty fine picture books with pirate characters. Here are some of "arrrrr" favourites:

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Spotlight on... Jessica Meserve

An amazing children's picture book author/illustrator

Hopefully a regular feature on our blog, we would like to focus on particular children's book authors or illustrators that you may or may not have heard of before. For the inaugural "Spotlight on..." we would like to focus on the very talented Jessica Meserve!

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Who Are Drew and Kate?

Life-long book lovers turned books sellers.

Hello and welcome to our first blog post for the Yummy Mummy Club! We are parents of a beautiful two-year old daughter and the owners of an independent children's bookstore in Victoria BC called Tall Tales Books. In this blog, we will be sharing our stories and experiences with the balancing act that is our lives as booksellers, parents, and small business owners.

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