Dr. Trina Read: Beyond the Bedroom


Ten Seconds Of Kissing Will Stop Your Stressing

Upset? Kiss Your Partner

It's during the challenging part of our relationship that our will, want and desire to stay emotionally connected is put to the test.

Some of us want to go into a cave or shut down emotionally. Not to say zoning out in front of the TV or Facebook isn't warranted, yet our partnership still needs TLC.

Here's the easiest solution. Kiss. In fact, make it a ten-second kiss.

Joy Davidson, PhD believes kissing is a sensual meditation and that it “stops the buzz in your mind, it quells anxiety, and it heightens the experience of being present in the moment. It actually produces a lot of the physiological changes that meditation produces."

You may not feel like kissing. But you know what? Sometimes we need to do things we don't feel like. And you will never regret being nice to your partner.

So when things are getting hectic and you’re getting stressed say, “Ten-second kiss.”

Everything in the moment gets dropped and you and your partner kiss for, well, ten seconds. (This is not a good time to count, "One Mississippi, two Mississippi..." As best you can concentrate on what you're doing!)

It’s an easy way to create a couple connection.

More importantly, it will relieve stress and help shift your perspective to seeing each other in a fun and loving way.

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