
Sex & Housework: Will Your Partner Do One for the Other?

It isn't the sharing of housework per se, it's all the negative feelings associated with housework that stops sex dead in its tracks.

Sex And Housework: Apparently men will lie, beg, cheat, kill and die for sex but apparently none will cook or clean for it. | Relationships |

I came across this Family Feud segment where the question was, “Married men, what would you do for sex?” The men surveyed answered that they would: lie, beg, cheat, kill, and die for sex... but apparently none would either cook or clean for sex.

Well, there's a big couple sexual challenge in a nutshell.

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Find Your G Spot (or Have Fun Trying)

Let us give you the treasure Map

how to find your g spot

It's inevitable. While teaching a seminar — it doesn't matter what topic, 'Hand Jobs', 'Menopausal Sex', 'How to Fix Your Tractor 101' (kidding...but I'm sure it would happen)--one brave soul raises their hand and asks, “Can you tell me how to find the G-Spot?”

This is where I gulp down a big sigh, try to keep the smile on my face and answer their question — I am after all a sex educator and it's my job to educate people about these kinds of things.

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Sex in a Tube?

Will a liquid herbal supplement really help me feel like having sex?

This love affair with natural herbal supplements started in those experimental days of University. I discovered how ginseng gives you pep, as well how St. John’s Wort is the only thing that will calm me down when I’m in the midst of an evil-PMS episode.

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Bring Sexy Fun Back

Responsibility and mind-blowing sex are like oil and water...they just don't mix

Responsibility and mind-blowing sex are like oil and water...they just don't mix.

It's easy to understand with everything going on in our day-to-day lives why sex goes to the bottom of the to-do list.

Thing is, sex is an important component to a healthy relationship. So how can a hard-working couple bring fun sex back into their relationship?

It's my experience that busy people don't have time to read the long answer, so here is the quick and easy on what you two can start doing today.

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Do Aphrodisiacs Really Work?

Can certain foods truly stimulate sexual desire, or is it all in our heads?

Can certain foods truly stimulate sexual desire, or is it all in our heads?

For example, anything shaped like a penis—like asparagus—was thought to be sexually stimulating to both sexes (why are we not surprised?). Remember not to giggle the next time you delicately bite the head off of an asparagus spear.

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Touching Means a Happier You

Affectionately touching our partner is easy, F-R-E-E, and makes us feel good. So why in heaven's name do we stop?


Foreplay for Men

Be an enthusiastic and active recreational partner.

Be an active recreational partner.

While dating, you probably hung on his every word while he talked about those things that interested him. It was part of your charm and why he found you so darn attractive.

Bringing that when-you-first-met-magic back to life can be as simple as taking an interest in him. (It's sad that we lost interest in the first place, but that's neither here nor there.)

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Overcome Low Sexual Desire |

A lack of sexual desire--the thoughts you have around sex--is the number one reason couples in North America stop having sex.

What that means for you is: if you have negative thoughts towards sex before, during and after the sexual encounter, it will profoundly dampen your desire to have sex.

I call it the 'Oh crap' phenomenon—“Oh crap, do I have to have sex tonight” or “Oh crap, you want sex now! Can’t you see I’m exhausted?”

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