
When a Man's Sex Drive Takes a Nose Dive

Men are susestible to and suffer from periods of low sex drive.

It's assumed that it's always a woman whose sex drive is lagging. But both men and women are susceptible to and suffer from periods of low sex drive.

So what can you do if your guy's sex drive has taken a nose dive; you know he's not cheating, so what could it be?

Contrary to popular belief, men aren't always the horn-dogs they're made out to be. In fact, many times just the opposite is true and it's the female in the relationship who is has a higher sex drive.

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Show Your Partner You Care with Small Romantic Gestures

Small gestures quickly add up to long term couple happiness

A touch can say a thousand words. A touching gesture or heartfelt comment only takes seconds and yet can go a long way to keeping a couple close.

Look for ways to show each other how much you care.

Small, affectionate gestures done every day can help create intimacy outside and inside the bedroom.

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My Top Five Romantic Books

books to indulge your romantic side

There is nothing like spending a few hours absorbed in a good book. Especially if that book has a solid plot line, believable characters, and a pull-at-your-heartstrings romance.

Here are my top five romantic books to indulge your romantic side.

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Blindfold Your Lover

Here's A Sexy Way To Rediscover Each Other's Bodies.


Give Yourself the Perfect Mother's Day Gift

Making it an all-about-me Mother's Day with a little help from OhhhCanada.ca

I was volunteering at my son’s playschool when his teacher announced that the kids were going to start their Mother’s Day gift. Under my breath I said, “Do you know what I really want for Mother’s Day?”

The other mommy volunteer must have heard me because she chimed in with, “Time to myself!”

Smiling at her I got into the Mother’s Day fantasy, “A full day at the spa, with a bunch of people waiting on my every need.”

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It's during the challenging part of our relationship that our will, want and desire to stay emotionally connected is put to the test.

Some of us want to go into a cave or shut down emotionally. Not to say zoning out in front of the TV or Facebook isn't warranted, yet our partnership still needs TLC.

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