Dr. Kim Foster: Wicked Health


Why Am I So Tired? 10 Common Causes of Fatigue

Prop your head up, pry your eyes open, and read on...

I’m so tired. How often do you say this? How often do you hear other people say it? In my experience, here's the answer to both these questions: All. The. Time.

Am I right? Some days it feels like everyone who walks into my office has the same concern. So, why is everybody so damn tired all the time? Fatigue would seem to be the plague of our modern lives. If you find yourself in the chronically-tired camp, here are some common causes of fatigue:

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It’s the middle of the night and you’re awakened by a faint whimpering sound. You tiptoe into your child’s bedroom and touch her head. Your little one is burning up. Fear takes hold. What do you do?

First: don’t panic.

A fever is simply the body’s normal reaction to infection—and infection is an inevitable part of childhood. Still, I understand that anxiety (I’m a mom too, and I’m certainly in touch with that emotion). But don’t stress: here’s what you need to know.

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Perimenopause is a time of enormous change in your body. It can be a phase of major upheaval as your hormones elect to take a ride on the Leviathan at Canada’s Wonderland.  Every woman goes through this transition but do you know what to expect? If you’re in your 40s, or even your 30s, do you have any idea what is headed your way?

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Is belly fat your bane? Read on, for tips on how to bust that poochiness.

If you’re a mom, there’s a good chance you have glanced down at your midsection, a time or two, and thought...well hello, where did you come from? But perhaps your reaction to your squashy new sidekick was not quite so friendly as this.

A rounder, softer tummy is one of the prices of motherhood, it seems to me. (By the way, if anyone knows the whereabouts of my missing waistline, please let me know. I really miss her).

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Why I'm Running For The Cure

I'm doing it for my fairy godmother

On September 30 I’m going to run my first 5 K. I’m doing the CIBC Run For The Cure, and I’m going to join the fight against breast cancer in a way I never have before.

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Erica recently wrote about making small changes towards a healthier lifestyle. And I am totally on board with that plan. Making big changes often feels way overwhelming. And overwhelm can stop you from changing even one damn thing. Where do you start, right? It’s much easier to tweak one or two small things, then build on that.

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In a study that was just presented this past weekend in Denver, moms who worked full-time reported better mental and physical health than stay-at-home moms. Researchers analyzed data on over 2,500 women who became mothers between 1978 and 1995.

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Back-to-School Health Checklist

A handy list for a healthy start

Back-to-school isn’t just about a fresh box of pencils and new shoes. (Although I do love both of those things, truth be told.) Get ready to give your kids their happiest, healthiest year at school by taking care of the following things. Here’s your checklist:

1: Backpack Weight

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So Who Gets Postpartum Depression?

Know this: you are not alone

When my first son was born, I suffered postpartum depression. Big time. There—I said it. Yep, becoming a new mom was like being hit by a Mack truck for me. But it took a long time—six months—for me to recognize what was actually going on.

And the thing is, if anyone should have known the signs, I should have.

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How Dad's Involvement Shapes Boys' Behaviour

Got boys? Then you’ll want to make sure daddy is highly involved, right from the get-go.

Got boys? Then you’ll want to make sure daddy is highly involved, right from the get-go. A new study suggests that when a father is more actively engaged with his son during infancy, there is a lower risk of behavioural problems later in life.

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Let's clear up some common myths about the sun today, shall we?

When I was a teenager, I had one quest for the summer: bronze skin. Achieving a fabulous tan had supreme importance in my universe. And I was not alone in this. My friends and I slathered our skin with baby oil, angled our foil reflectors towards the sun...sound familiar, anyone?

Yes, I shudder at the thought now. (And stare in dismay at the little lines and age spots that are only now starting to appear. Of course I have no one else to blame...my own damn fault...)

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During pregnancy, we take good care of our bodies: we choose healthy foods, we take our vitamins, we banish harmful substances like cigarette smoke and alcohol.

But what about mental health? If you’re pregnant—is stress something you need to be concerned about?

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Summer is here. Your kids are likely to be spending much more time outside (as they should be!)...but with that, comes a few potential pitfalls.

Poison ivy being one.

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Keys to Happiness: Gratitude, Health and Thankfulness

Make every hour of your day a happy hour

So, the last time I wrote about happiness I discussed the growing body of research showing that happiness can make you healthier—and can help you live longer.

Which is good to know.

If you’re a happy person.

But...you might be wondering: is it even possible to become happier? We all know people who are genuinely happy—doesn’t it seem like they’re just naturally that way?

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It’s not the sort of thing you would feel.

It’s certainly not something you can see.

“I feel fine,” is the kind of thing you would say. And all the while, it would be silently damaging your heart. Your eyes. Your kidneys.

Sound scary?

It doesn’t have to be.

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Five Things Every Man Should Know About His Health

...but doesn't really want to think about. (Happy Father's Day!)

So, your husband accidentally cuts his hand with a bread knife. It seems to be bleeding quite a lot, actually…and, well, now his fingers are feeling a bit numb... 

Trouble is, he’s watching the Super Bowl on TV with the guys and, unlike most years, it’s a great game.

What does he do? 

If he’s like many men, he’ll ignore that pesky laceration and go to the hospital only after they’ve handed out the Vince Lombardi Trophy. 

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When was the last time your doctor advised you to jet off to Paris? Languish on the beaches of Hawaii? Book a ski holiday? It’s not as crazy as it sounds. Research is revealing that, like a glass of wine, a vacation is more than an indulgence—it’s good for your health.  

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Does Happiness Improve Health?

new research on old wisdom

“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence” –Aristotle

How many of you would say you’re happy? And how many of you think you could be a wee bit happier?

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Why The Spa Is Good For You

Indulge your body and soul

I love going to the spa. It’s relaxing and rejuvenating...and I get to indulge my inner princess. Are you with me on this? For most of us, the spa is a little slice of heaven. And a major guilty pleasure.

So, what if I told you that you don’t need to qualify the “pleasure” part of that phrase with the “guilt” part? What if I told you going to the spa was more than just an indulgence? That it’s actually good for you?

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Are you getting enough vitamin D? Probably not.

Would you feel any symptoms if you had low levels? Nope.

Does it matter? Big. Fat. Yes.

Why is vitamin D important?

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