Devan McGuinness: Life (Un)Restricted


7 Tips For Surviving Your Spring Allergies

How to manage your spring-time allergies

We just changed our clocks forward and that means Spring is just around the corner. Spring is a favourite season for many people since it brings with it lots of sun and a break from the winter gloom.

For other people, springtime marks the start of their battle with environmental allergies. It goes far beyond just annoying sneezing and some people really suffer during this time of year. There are some ways you can help make the springtime allergies a little easier on you—it just takes a little planning. 

1) Treat Your Allergies Early

If you're waiting for your first "achoo" to start your allergy treatment, you're waiting too long. According to WebMD, you should start treatment in mid-February and not wait until mid-March when the first peek of pollen hits. 

2) Keep An Eye on Pollen Counts

With smartphones now, it's much easier to take a peek at what the pollen count is before you venture outside. Make sure you check it for your area so you know if you need to moderate or change your activities and plans. 

3) Wash Pillows and Sheets in Hot Water

Dust is a big allergen for many people and it can hide in places you may not realize. Be sure to wash your pillows and sheets in hot water to kill any dust mites and get rid of dust particles. 

4) Vaccuum With a HEPA-Filtration System

Whether you have pets or lots of people living in your house, using a HEPA-Filtration vacuum will be your friend. Mold, dust mites, pollen and pet dander can all live in the air inside your home. Using a HEPA-Filtration vacuum can trap these particles and reduce your allergic reactions. 

5) Limit Outdoor Activities or Wear a Mask

Check those pollen counts and limit your outdoor activities if the count is high. If your lawn needs to be mowed or you need to go outside to do some work, consider wearing a HEPA-Filtration mask which will reduce your allergens and limit the reactions you may normally have. 

6) Stay Hydrated and Use a Humidifier

Sneezing and sneezing and coughing can leave you feeling a little dehydrated, which can be a vicious cycle for many other things going downhill. Also, using a humidifier can benefit you if you've got allergies since dry air is often not pleasant for people with allergies. Be sure not to use it too much or have the setting too high, since it can increase the mold in your house. 

7) Seek the Help of an Allergist

There is no need to suffer in silence and it's not something that you can't seek help for. Seek out the advice and help from an allergist who can help pinpoint your specific allergies and recommend a treatment plan just for you.

Photo credit: mcfarlandmo/Flickr