Dawn Rebel


Organized Homework Spaces To Keep Kids On Task

6 Helpful Items for Productive Workspaces

Organized binders on a shelf

Homework is serious business.

I can still vividly recall the homework battles I had with my own mom“I’ve already graduated grade five!” she would exclaim as I incessantly whined for help from the kitchen table.

Blaring televisions, exciting distractions, hard-to-locate stationery, and inadequate workspaces can quickly make the homework battles into homework wars. Kids are receiving longer homework assignments and are cultivating shorter attention-spans. It's no wonder that parents and kids alike get knots in their stomachs at the mention of the "H-word."

As adults, we are keenly aware of how our physical spaces can contribute to our own productivity. With a stack of unorganized papers on my desk, I'm rendered useless. We have all seen our dorm-mates hijack a study session, because they can't find their notebook/pen/lucky protractor. The same is even truer of our little learners, whose work habits are still solidifying.

An organized homework space should include:

  • adequate work surface
  • a place for frequently-used stationery
  • storage for the “immediately due” and “nearly due”
  • easy access to a calendar

An organized homework space shouldn’t:

  • be distraction central
  • include too many knick-knacks
  • be surrounded with paper

Not everyone has the space and resources to create an exclusively child-centred homework space, so here are six helpful items for enhancing or converting your current homework spaces:

one: Seat Sack, O2 Teach, $9.95

An over-the-chair solution for stationery, books, and other homework supplies. This is like a mini office attached to the back of a chair (comes in different sizes, depending on your child's workspace of choice). No more "can't find a pencil" excuses. You can also check out this homemade, no-sew, pillowcase version.

two: File Organizer Pocket Chart, Scholar's Choice, $19.99

Great for organizing loose homework papers by subject or due-date, and easily hung inside a pantry door. There is no way the dog can eat these well-sorted homework assignments. With this many pockets, multiple kids can use the same pocket chart.

three: Crib converted to a desk, via Torispelling.com

A seriously cool DIY option for once those little people aren't sleeping in it any longer. I love that the crib rails can be used for additional hanging stationery storage.

four: Trofast storage system, Ikea, this combination $239.97 

Ikea really does know small spaces and clever storage. The Trofast system is small enough that little ones can access and tidy homework supplies independently. There are also wall hanging combinations that would save on precious square-footage.

five: Urbio Magnetic Modular System, The Container Store, pieces are combined ranging from $14.99-$34.99

The Container Store (now shipping to Canada) offers this magnetic plate, wall-mounted system, which can easily organize all manners of homework supplies. This system can be used wherever the homework happensfrom the dining room table, to a proper office. Keeping the clutter at bay means kids are able to focus on the task at hand.

six: Build your own Daily System, Pottery Barn, pieces are combined ranging from $9-$63

There are infinite calendar choices available to help clearly outline homework due-dates, ranging from the DIY to the uber stylish. This Pottery Barn system allows you to build the product that your family needs (you'll likely make your selections depending on the number and age of your kids). 

So, now you have YOUR homeworkadd some of these pieces to create a space that will keep your kids on task during the challenge of homework.

If you liked getting organized with these tips, check out my post on what to do when kids outgrow their clothes OR clever ways to store their art projects!