
I Am Going To Make You a Runner

A no-fail, no-intimidation, no-nonsense program.

I am going to teach you how to run right now. With no program, no instructor, no iPhone app. 


If you've always felt like you need to run in order to get in shape, you're not alone. Running is fantastic exercise, and runners tend to be very romantic about their favourite pastime, but it's not for everyone. It takes time to build up to running and when it doesn't go smoothly in the first attempt, many would-be runners give up.

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DIY Stroller Fitness

Stroll Your Way To Strong, Toned Legs

At Belly Bootcamp we start to hear a chorus of very similar requests around this time of year.

They go something like this: "When does stroller fitness start?"..."When do we move outside?"...."Can we start outside earlier this year?"...

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