
Running With Your Kids

When To Start, How To Start, And What To Expect


I've always been a bit of a runner. Well, since adulthood, anyway. As a child I didn't participate in any track and field or running-heavy sports, so running came later in life as a fitness-oriented activity. I've run varying amounts for 15 years and I really enjoy it.

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3 No-Equipment Moves For Toned Hips and Thighs

who doesn't want firmer, more shapely thighs?

Ouch! My legs hurt today! It's not every day that my own Belly Bootcamp classes hit me so hard I'm actually sore for a day or two...but it happens sometimes when I've crafted a particularly effective combination of exercises to target a specific part of the body.

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Post-Run Recovery Shake

Shake: Yes. Protein: Yes. Powder: No.


If you haven't already heard, this September, Erica, the YMC team, and I will be running the RBC Run For The Kids in support of Sunnybrook Family Navigation Project to aid families of children with mental health issues.

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The YMC Couch To 5k In Two Months

Join us at the RBC Run For the Kids

The YMC Couch To 5k In Two Months

Everyone starts somewhere. Even a couch potato can run a 5k.

As a trainer I hear the question “Am I fit enough to do this?” or “What if I can’t do it all?”

Sometimes, getting started is the hardest part.

Admitting you need some coaching or advice can be a difficult practice in humility, and once you’ve realized you need support the challenge is in finding the right resource — coach, support group, book, program — to get you to where you need to be.

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