Dara Duff-Bergeron: Sweaty Mummy


DIY: The Good Health Reward Jar

Get Crafty and Crack The Whip Before The Holidays

Chances are you've heard of a Good Deed Reward Jar or Chore Reward Jar for your little ones. How about a reward jar that could help you actually fit into your jeans come New Year's Day?

This week I posted on Facebook, "How is it possible that it is FREAKING DECEMBER on Saturday?" This status elicited some smart ass responses from the cyber versions of people in my life: various jokes about my Scrooginess and also my general disorganization. The truth is, people, it's freaking December this weekend. 

Now, after 13 years of coaching clients, let me sum up what is about to occur in 90% of your brains over the next several weeks.

"I will just eat and drink everything that passes within 3 feet of my piehole for the month of December because, come January, I am ON THAT TRAIN. Like, I AM ON THAT TRAIN FOR GOOD. Seriously, 2013 is my year. I am going to lose 30 pounds/quit smoking/get ripped/run a marathon/lose the baby belly/get more toned/exercise regularly/join the army reserves/star in a feature film/model for Victoria's Secret. This is it. But before I do I am going to just let it all go to hell for the next 4 weeks, like a junkie on my way to rehab. One last hurrah. For 4 weeks straight."

I get it. We all think like this. It's procrastination and it's lovely. 

It's also the old "two steps forward, one step back" thing... it's just the reverse order. And it's self-imposed. You are willingly setting yourself back with the knowledge that it will create more work for you in the future (a couple of extra pounds to burn off? A 3-week hangover to "motivate" you?) instead of enjoying moderation now and inching, however slowly, toward those goals you've got instead of away from them. 

Now if you really want to run a marathon and model underwear in 2013, here's a fun way to keep yourself on track for the next 4 weeks so January 1st doesn't smack you upside your bloated, hungover head. (OK, on January 1st everyone should be bloated and hungover but you know what I mean...)

The Good Health Jar

Just like a swear jar, only think of it as a reward for your good choices rather than a punishment for your potty mouth. 

You will need:

  • mason jar or other receptacle
  • sticky notes or other scrap paper
  • money

good health deed jarOK, so I'm clearly not up for any craft blogger role anytime soon but I think we can agree these are items you can currently locate within your home. So go do that now. I'll wait here.

Next, place some sort of label on your jar if you like. I also chose to decorate (and I use that term loosely) my jar with a couple of my daughter's dress-up necklaces to remind me of my children and my desire to be a healthy role model for them, as well as a nagging mother type who lives long into their own old age. So, decorate if you wish. Maybe affix a picture of yourself doing something impressive, like crossing the finish line at that last 10K or wearing a bikini!

Now you will need to do some good things. When you do the good things, place one coin (your choice based on budget and perhaps how frequently you expect to be "good" —a quarter, a dollar or two dollars, perhaps?) plus a sticky note detailing your accomplishment in the jar. I made my jar today and so far I have one Good Health Deed in there..."I stopped at home to make eggs for lunch instead of grabbing something on the go."

Now don't reward yourself only when you go the gym or if you happen to weigh in three pounds lighter than usual. The important thing here is to acknowledge, to yourself, all of the positive health choices you are making. This will not only cheer you (yay!) but keep you very present and make you less likely to go whole hog when the holiday treats and invites are coming at you. 

good health deed note

Some examples of Good Health Deeds:

  • I chose green tea instead of coffee this afternoon when I was feeling tired.
  • We ate a meatless dinner.
  • I did 50 jumping jacks on every commercial break while watching The X Factor.
  • I walked the kids to school instead of driving.
  • I tried the new core conditioning class at the gym.
  • I ate breakfast.

You get it. The magnitude of your deeds will depend on where you are at currently in your fitness journey and what your intentions are. You will feel when it is right to reward yourself and—hopefully—you will be motivated to make the right decisions because you anticipate the satisfaction of writing down and acknowledging your good choices, as well as rewarding yourself with something tangible for your efforts. 

Now, what to do with those tangible rewards? A few good deeds a day might mean over $100 tucked away by the end of December! You could put it in a savings account and see whether you can beat your total in January. Or perhaps hit the post-holiday sales and buy yourself some new workout gear? Or maybe donate to a worthy cause?

Go do something healthy! And let me know what you're doing with your money below. I'll keep you posted on mine!