
Kiwi Sensations Sola Rosa

listen to this song you'll be playing all summer long

Kiwi Sensations Sola Rosa

I'm always on the hunt for a super catchy feel good song to add to my summer playlist on my iPod...and the other day I found the perfect track.

The band? Sola Rosa

The song? Love Alone [Jeremy Sole Remix] featuring Spikey Tee

Click here for your free download.

It's le damn infectious.

Now all I need is one of those fruity drinks with the umbrellas...and maybe, just maybe a cabana boy a la Magic Mike. What?


Music Finds Of The Week

Cover Songs

Music Finds Of The Week

While I spent a few hours trolling YouTube this past week and a half (I've been recovering from surgery....not much else to do) here are some 'hmmmm now that was a damn good cover song' for you to check out....you might even like the cover more than the orginal, just sayin'.