
TECH SUPPORT: Advice On Starting A Teen Blog

YMC Resident Tech Blogger Christella Morris offers advice to a teen wanting to start her own blog

TECH SUPPORT: Advice On Starting A Teen Blog


I'm 15 and I have been thinking about starting blog, what should I do to get started and do you have any tips? Do I have to stick to one topic, or can I blog about anything?





Being a blogger is a great way to write through experiences, keep a journal of your life, or even try out some cool products every now and then! But it is also a lot of work. Don't let that deter you, though, because it's rare to find anything worth doing that isn't going to take a bit of work. 

Starting a blog is the easy part—and no, you don't have to stick to one style of post (in the industry we often call these niches or genres), but it can help if you're hoping to grow your readership over time. In order to best decide what type of blog you should do, think about things you could write about easily, frequently, and well. If you're really into doing makeup and fashion, maybe starting a blog about that might be fun for you. Writing about what interests you will always work best in the end, because it shouldn't be difficult or frustrating. 

How do you start a blog? Well, there are lots of free sites that offer blog support. The most popular being Wordpress, quickly followed by Blogger, and Wix. Try out some of the different engines and decide which one is easiest to use for you. (I highly recommend Wordpress, though!) You'll learn more tricks of the trade over time, don't stress out if your blog doesn't look super professional right away. 

If you're under 18 and thinking about starting a blog, you should definitely have that conversation with your parents. While you may be totally fine with putting your life online, they may not be so comfortable with the idea. Sit down and have a discussion with them about writing the blog, rules of engagement (literally and figuratively), and what you can and cannot write about. Putting yourself online as a public figure can be exciting, but it can also have negative repercussions and you need to thoroughly understand that before jumping headfirst into blogging. 

Once that is decided, take some time and write a few posts. Don't publish them right away, instead wait until you have 5, 10, maybe even 20, and you're happy with your work. If your parents have asked that they preview every post before it goes live, give them a look and then begin scheduling your posts. Try not to over-commit yourself to too many posts per week, but in order to be successful you should be consistent. Give yourself a deadline date every week to have a new post ready and stick to it. It also works best if you stay ahead of the curve with your publishing and always have a few posts waiting in the wings. 

Here are a few more tips for people wanting to write their own blogs. Fellow bloggers, please feel free to add your own tips in the comments! 

  • Write what you know! Don't try to re-invent the wheel right away, finding your voice can take time, so just keep writing!
  • Read other blogs. Find ones that you love and figure out what you love about them. Maybe you can incorporate those ideas into your own articles. 
  • Don't get discouraged! Writing a blog and growing an audience takes time . . . a LOT of time.
  • Who is your target demographic? Decide who you want to reach—is it other teenagers? Parents? Local kids or kids around the world? Beauty product lovers? Once you figure out who your reader-base is (or who you want them to be), it will be easier to come up with ideas for posts. 
  • DO NOT write when you're angry. Actually scratch that! Write as much as you want when you're angry, just hold off on publishing anything until you're SURE you want that put out into the world. 
  • Don't expect free stuff right away. Most brands want to work with bloggers who are established and experienced. That will come, but it takes time, so if you want to write reviews start by reviewing things you already have and go from there. 
  • Think about what you're looking for online—if you can't find good answers, maybe others can't too! Write a post about it and ta-da! Instant google traffic! 
  • Join online blogging groups and network with other bloggers. Most are more than willing to offer advice, support, or even a few comments here and there. 

If you liked this, check out: "Breaking Bullies: Does Your Family Have A Cyber-Bully Plan?" and "I Want My Kids to Be Weird."


Breaking Bullies: Does Your Family Have A Cyber-Bully Plan?

Want to protect your kids against online harassment, threats and more? Here’s one tech nerd’s advice.

Breaking Bullies: Does Your Family Have A Cyber-Bully Plan?

When you live your life online, which most of us do these days, you realize that everything is just made up of words. Words on blogs, flying past you on news feeds and in instant messages. After a while those words seem to lose their power, their attachment to reality. It becomes easier and easier to say what you think — even if you probably shouldn’t.

Bullies have found new weapons in their words on the web, which can make it quite the scary place. Kids aren’t using their words, pictures, and technology the same way we did not so long ago. It isn’t a resource for communicating but the hub for it. The bullying happens less and less on the playground and more at your desk, in the comfort of your own home. The attacks are made silently and they just keep coming. As an adult that kind of stress is toxic, but as a kid it could be debilitating.

Sounds scary, doesn’t it?

But here’s the thing: It doesn’t have to be. It’s about teaching your kids to rise above, to ask for help and knowing what to do when they do. Easier said than done, right?

Of course, but it can and should be done.

And how do I know this? Because I’ve been bullied, recently even, and I realized that the getting rid of someone harassing you online is hard won, but not impossible. I also realized that maybe we’re not all teaching our kids some basic tools that adults use to cope with these situations. Responses that come natural to us are being intercepted by hormones. Maybe if we make a plan for diffusing these situations, like we would if the house caught fire or a stranger approached them.

Here are the best pieces of advice I can give you to help your kids (or yourself) cope with being harassed online:


1) Don’t react.

Most adults know the fastest way to calm a situation is to stop and take a second to see it from all sides. Instantly reacting to something rarely ends up well. Teenagers, on the other hand, tend to freak first and ask questions later.

Homework: When talking with your kids about online harassment, make sure you reinforce how important it is to stop before they react. Let them know that if they are feeling bullied, put down, or pressured they should talk to you and come up with a plan. Remind them you will always be there to support them, too.


2) Ignore, Ignore, Ignore until you can’t anymore!

Everybody has a limit, but until that peak level of frustration is reached the best thing you can do in any volatile situation is not say a thing. Most bullies will spend the time you give them making themselves look worse anyway.

Homework: Show your kids examples of people who look stupid before they think about what they’re posting online. Talk about situations where other kids they know have been bullied or been bullies.


3) Track. Everything.

Although we always hope harassment won’t lead to going to the authorities, having the proof just in case that need arises is always the best policy. You don’t need to save every conversation ever had, but if things start feeling uneasy taking a screenshot doesn’t hurt. You can always delete it later, right?

Homework: Know your rights. Do a little research and figure out what people can get away with saying to you online and what is breaking the law.


4) Respectfully defend.

Some kids just want to know there is someone there for them always, so be there. You don’t need to walk into the principals office terminator-style, but make it very clear to your child that you are supporting them and what they want at that time. Show anyone involved, even the bully themselves, the utmost respect. You don’t have to like them, but you do have to tolerate them.

Homework: Conduct an experiment by trying to make two negative magnets stick together. Remind your kid (and yourself) that having a negative response to a negative attitude will never end the situation positively.


5) Get a nice whip for the high road, it’s gonna be a while.

Taking the high road is never a good time. Although we know what the responsible thing to do is, doing it is rarely easy. The process is long and hard and when you finally do win, you have to resist every urge you have to stick your thumbs in your ears and say “Na Na Na boo boo!” 

Homework: Take up a hobby with your kid to spend time together and help keep their mind off stressful situations.


Obviously not all bullies can be taken down, especially online. The best thing you can do for your children now to protect them from dealing with this stuff later is to talk to them about online safety. Oh! Show them where the “off” button on the computer is, too! That one will really come in handy!

Have another great tip for breaking bullies? Share them with me in the comments!


Looking for more info on bullying? Here are six books to help you talk to your kids about bullying and tips on when to be a tattle-tale parent

You can learn even more ways to get organized and transition from summer to school on our Back-To-School 2014 page.