thyme and forget-me-nots

I was standing at the sink, distracted by ordinary chores like the dishes, which occupied my hands, and the radio, which occupied my thoughts. In truth, neither was fully engaging my attention because the other things I had to do that day tugged at my mind like a toddler's insistent hand on my hem. The sort of things that require organization and coordination and result in a functioning household, but the doing of which add up to hours of time and nothing more measurable than a good dinner and clean underpants.

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Neknominations: When Your Babies Grow Up To Be Teenagers

The Neknomination Trend is Every Parent's Nightmare

neknomination trend

It will seem like miles away for anyone with babies, those tender urgent armfuls of possibility and responsibility,

and you're sure you'll raise your kids to know better, and of course you’ll read aloud the best kind of stories, the ones that foster self esteem and social intelligence and sweet dreams,

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Keyboarding Skills: One Mother's Rebellion

Why I Defied The Grade Four Report Card

old classroom chair

Up until Grade Four all I really want to see on my child’s report card are the comments:

“Works well with others.”

“Pays attention.”

“Colours creatively outside the lines.”


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Arranging Grace

A Simple Slow Inhalation

“Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day - like writing a poem, or saying a prayer.”

Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift From The Sea


Does your day lack even a moment to go to the bathroom unaccompanied, let alone contemplate where to find a more than a sticky juice glass for a handfull of quickly-wilting ditch flowers?

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The Secret to Your Motherhood Sanity

The one thing you should never let go of

There are many things you will lose in the course of pregnancy and motherhood.




Abdominal elasticity.

Mental acuity.


Your keys.

Your sense of self.

Control of your bladder.



Did I mention sleep?  


The one thing you must work hard to never, ever lose sight of is your sense of humour.

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Glass Houses

Are You A Good Mother?

When it comes to motherhood, we all live in glass houses in one way or the other. Some people put up more blinds. Some are brave enough to stand in front of the windows naked.

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It was the worst Easter.

The sun shone, we were away in a beautiful place filled with happy family memories. The eggs had been hidden and found. I was planning our lunch when I heard the tremulous call from the bedroom:


RELATED: One Very Special Reason To Lie To Your Kids

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Roadside Check

A Dose Of Perspective And A Lot Of Gratitude On A Family Road Trip

We were driving on a two-lane coastal highway after having dinner at a burger place in town. Hoping to savour one of the last lingering summertime evenings before school’s inflexible arrival we skipped dessert at the restaurant because we wanted to go back and make a fire to roast marshmallows for s’mores. 

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My Earnest Valentine

A Few Good Reasons To Take A Stand Against The Valentine Frenzy

Disclaimer: If you want a Valentine’s Day as filled with sweetness as a marshmallow heart, then this post is not for you. This Valentine is more of a dark chocolate pecan cluster: chewy, nutty, bittersweet. May stick in your teeth.

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How To Strengthen Your Immune System

And Protect Your Kids From Anxiety

Walk dog in a park by a school.

Repeatedly bare-hand a spitty ball that has rolled through playground muck.

Interact with dog, ball, teenagers out for a run, and several smiling, snot-squishy toddlers.

Do an errand.

Come home and eat the toast you left sitting on the counter before remembering to wash your hands. 

This is why mothers have immune systems of steel.

This is a true story.


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