
Refrigerator Mother Theory and Autism

50s Society Blamed Mothers For Autism

Refrigerator Mother Theory and Autism

Your child is autistic because you are a frigid Mother.  This is the answer (and blame) many Mother's of the 50's received when they searched for help for their autistic children.  They were tagged "Refrigerator Mothers" and the cold, mechanic stigma that went with it.

I had never heard this term until I recently watched an episode of The Nature of Things with David Suzuki - Autism Engima.  And the Refrigerator Mother Theory hit my Mother core.  How.  Dare.  They.

Your child has atypical symptoms because you're an unfeeling machine of a Mother.  How cruel.  How unscientifically, inhumanely cruel.  Can you imagine the anger?  The guilt?  The blame?  The isolation? 

I am offended.  And perhaps I have no right to feel so.

My children are typical.  The closest I have come to autism is researching the links between vaccinations and autism as the first round of shots approached for my son.  My quick research found:

  • Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British doctor who reported a link between vaccine and autism was banned from practicing medicine because of tampering in the autism study.  And studies following Dr. Wakefield's research didn't find any links.
  • Some studies say autism is due to environmental causes. 
  • Others say diet is a factor. 

None - NONE that I have found - say a mother's care giving, hands-on activity level or emotional ties contribute to autism.

Refrigerator Mother Theory is offensive.  Mothers are protectors, advocates, caregivers...and there is nothing cold about that.


Cough and Cold Medicine For Children

What's Safe?

Cough and Cold Medicine For Children

Do we or don’t we? Should we or shouldn’t we? Is it going off the shelves or staying on? The information on children’s cough and cold medicine is, frankly, confusing for parents. It’s time to bring a bit of clarity to the cough and cold conundrum.

My dear daughter 2 is a chronic cold cougher. With every cold, she gets a cough, which makes her cough and cough until she throws up (ugh!). As an experienced Mom of this particular child, I know this is not out of the ordinary for her and thus can be managed at home (rather than a doctor’s visit). We get her to drink more liquids, humidifier in her room, warm baths, raising her head by inverting a binder and putting it under her mattress (she coughs less when her head is elevated). My husband is a big “give her medicine” proponent however I have been the “I hear we shouldn’t give kids kid cold medicine anymore” follower (where, I heard that I can’t tell you – really – have no idea where I heard that – for some reason I think I’ve heard that).

Upon doing some personal research I found: data supports not giving cough and cold medicine to infants and young children as they cannot effectively communicate their symptoms nor any adverse effects they may encounter from over the counter products.  However, big kids can communicate – and benefit – from cough and cold medicine.  As long as it’s accurately dosed.

More is not more when giving medicine to kids – that’s called overdosing – and it’s bad.  Parents need to give an accurate dose based on weight (not age – example: my 9 year old weighs the same as my 11 year old).

I’ve given my big kids liquid over-the-counter medicines and they do the trick.  However, since I’ve had baby– dosing out liquid medicine is trick-y…hold baby in one arm, twist off cap with the other, pour and measure meds…you get the picture…I need another arm to give medication.  My new go-to is strips – like Triaminic ThinStrips – where the meds are dosed on each strip. No mess.  No fuss.  Easy and accurate - every time.

Confusion is no good when a child is sick.  Parents want safe solutions.  Fast.  Because the quicker your child gets better…well?…all the better for the whole family.

The folks at Triaminic would like to offer all members a coupon for $2.00 off Triaminic ThinStrips® for your big kids to try. (Click the link for an instant coupon you can print at home).  

® is a registered trademark of Novartis AG; used under license. Novartis Consumer Health Inc., Mississauga, ON, L5N 2X7