
Long Live the Weinie Roast

Schneiders Country Naturals

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away in Eastern Ontario lived a beautiful, worldly, ever so gracious Queen who was terribly misunderstood. Her subjects thought she was mean and spiteful, as to never allow that most fun food, known as hot dogs, into the royal land. The Queen stood firm though, proclaiming that “Nitrates, and things I cannot pronounce need not touch thy offsprings lips” and banished them from her Queendom for eternity. Her ruling was met with pouts and an occasional underground hot dog when her subjects left the land without her.

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Lunch Math

Schneiders Country Naturals

I find school lunches pretty easy. There I said it. Easy. Perhaps I’m missing something here because I hear it’s the bane of many a mother’s existence, but I have no problem with it.  Maybe it’s because I have it down to a mathematical equation now;  One drink + two fruits (or one fruit and one veggie) + a main meal + a snack = a healthy day at school.  My kids know the drill so well that they instruct their grandmother what to give them when I’m away.

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