Candace Derickx: See Mummy Juggle


See Mummy Juggle Fan Club—Party of One

I Have a Fan Club: A Very Small One

There comes a time in every bloggers “career” when they inevitably ask the question, “Do I suck?”. We wonder, “Does anyone even read my blog?” I must admit I was at this point my friends.

Then, last night, I received a lovely forwarded email from Erica from a woman named Beth. Beth thanked Erica for the website and listed me as one of her favorites. Me! Oh sure, I was last on the list after Sharon, Julie, Lisa and Sarah, but I don’t really notice things like that. I was on the list after all, which means....wait for it....I have a fan! An honest to goodness fan. You may now get in line directly behind Beth.

Oh Beth, you do not know what joy you’ve brought me. When I write now, I’ll always have you in mind. I picture you as quite beautiful, with above average intelligence and a sharp, razor wit by the way. No pressure being my only fan of course. There are only a few conditions attached to the position.

Please order your “I’m a fan of See Mummy Juggle” t-shirt right away. Avoid the Christmas rush.

 If you’ve been drinking while reading my blog, please continue to do so. Sobering up may bring you to your senses. I can’t risk losing you at this point.

 I will only need you for a few events throughout the year to help prop up my over-inflated ego now that I have a fan. Hmmmmm, fan. Fan. I just can’t stop saying it. It has such a nice ring to it.

 Wait, scratch the previous condition. Perhaps if you met me, you’d realize what a doofus I am and run screaming to the exit. Let me think on this one Beth.

In all honesty though Beth, what you did perfectly encompasses the message of kind that we’ve been spreading. You took two seconds out of your busy day to say “Good job”. It is a small gesture that means so much. You’ve made five bloggers day (although I’m not sharing my number one fan with them).
