Candace Derickx: See Mummy Juggle


Long Live the Weinie Roast

Schneiders Country Naturals

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away in Eastern Ontario lived a beautiful, worldly, ever so gracious Queen who was terribly misunderstood. Her subjects thought she was mean and spiteful, as to never allow that most fun food, known as hot dogs, into the royal land. The Queen stood firm though, proclaiming that “Nitrates, and things I cannot pronounce need not touch thy offsprings lips” and banished them from her Queendom for eternity. Her ruling was met with pouts and an occasional underground hot dog when her subjects left the land without her.

One day, when out on a regal quest, the Queen came upon Country Naturals Hot Dogs. “What’s this?”, she wondered. “Pork, lemon, spices.......  I can pronounce these things.” Knowing what she knew about Schneiders other Country Naturals products the Queen decided to surprise her subjects.

Is this for real?”, the royal minions cried. “But mother, we’re not worthy.”

Yes, ‘tis true. For I remember well the clothes that never make the hamper, the avoidance of homework and chores and how the toilet never gets flushed. But I am a benign dictator, I mean, er, Queen and I must look at the greater good.” By serving these hot dogs I can feel good about, there may be less discord in the land thought the Queen. And so it was, that on a Thursday night in May the royal family lit the bonfire and pulled out the weinie roasters.

The lord of the land declared “Mmmmm, these are, mmmmm, yum, mmmm, good.

And there were smiles:

And laughter:

And even a happy dance:

The royal canine, dismayed that the family did not include her in the festivities made her displeasure known from outside the royal gates:

And the Queen declared, “From this day forth, Long Live the Weinie Roast