
Top 10 Baby Names of 2011

US Social Security Administration Releases Data On Most Popular Baby Names Of Last Year

May marks the release of the Top Baby Names, according to the data collected by US Social Security Administration. There is not a Canadian equivalent available of this data, but given the close relation of our culture, I’m quite confident that the results would be similar.

I see baby names every day and some days, weeks, and months, I note that some are more popular than others, and the popularity of some names grow while others fade. The Top 10 Baby Names, according to the US Social Security Administration, held few surprises for me. 

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Baby Names And Branding

My Conversation With Media Personality Samantha Ettus

Social Media provides a space for me to work and play. I have always seen it as an open fieldan opportunity throughout the course of my day, evening, or insomnia-laden night to meet, discuss, source, promote, and learn. One of the first people that I ‘met’ on Twitter was Samantha Ettus (@SamanthaEttus). Samantha is a leader and expert on personal branding and working moms.

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