Ashley MacInnis: The Frenzied Fashionista


100 Years Of Fashion In 100 Seconds

Also: Awesome Dancing

Have you ever wanted to see what 100 years of fashion looks like in 100 seconds? No? Well, now you can anyway! This video has been around for a little while, but it's awesome and I'm a sucker for a good dance video (procrastination is a skill, you guys).

I find the evolution of fashion (and dance, for that matter . . . have you seen that video? Never gets old!) absolutely fascinating. When you look back at the styles 20, 40, or 60 years ago, it's pretty remarkable the way our perception of beauty and style has changed, how some things stay the same, and how grateful we are that some things are gone for good (can you say stirrup pants?). 

 What Beauty Looks Like In 25 Countries

Much as I love me my skinny jeans, I'd love to rock the styles of the 1930s and 40sthe glamour! *Swoon*

Would you like to go to another fashion era, or are you partial to the current fashion trends?

100 years of fashion in 100 seconds from aneel on Vimeo.