
Who Are Your Champions?

Surround Yourself With Those Who Uplift You

In the first few years of motherhood we need – more than ever – to surround ourselves with the people who lift us up, who give without expectation, who love unconditionally, and who celebrate us. Along with the many physical and emotional changes that occur when we bring a new life (or lives) into this world, we may also reflect on life and ask ourselves some of the "big questions". Some of us feel our identity shift completely, some of us question our parenting ability, and some of us make life choices we never thought we’d make.

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Feel Good By Being Thankful

An Easy Way to Increase Your Happiness and Well Being

I’ve been fortunate to have some incredible holiday time with my husband and kids this summer. After an especially hectic first half of the year, it’s been fantastic to have open-ended days as a family to do as we choose. Lazy mornings and big healthy breakfasts, swimming and building sandcastles at the beach, picnic lunches, exploring new country towns, finding playgrounds we’ve never frequented, barbecues with the in-laws, and quiet evenings on our front porch. It’s been glorious.

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It was with a hoot and a holler and a little happy dance that I read this Guardian article about an ad campaign featuring Christy Turlington and Julia Roberts that was banned in the UK by the Advertising Standards Authority because of too much airbrushing.

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What we think determines how we feel. It makes sense, right? If we are constantly telling ourselves negative messages, odds are we’re not going to feel good about ourselves. A constant stream of thoughts like, “I feel fat” or “I wish I was in better shape” or “I really need to lose 10 lbs” sit within us like lead weights, and create a mindset or self-image that is not positive.

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Music to Make You Feel Good

What is On Your Top 10 Playlist?

You know that song? The one that lifts your spirits the moment you hear the opening phrase? The song that makes you smile inside and out, that reminds you of an important message that simply uplifts you?

This week, the Feel Good Project is all about music. About finding those songs that speak to us, inspire us, and have the power to turn our thoughts around.

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Move your body, change your mind. It's really that simple. If we move our body, get active, or exercise, then we can change our mindset.

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The Feel Good Project

Celebrating Yourself and Your Body

Okay, ladies. Summer is here and I’m on a mission. I want all of us moms to feel good about ourselves, to feel confident in our bodies. It’s time. Time to stop wasting energy on negative self-talk and start celebrating ourselves.

I read it daily on Twitter, I hear it at my moms’ groups, and out with my girlfriends. Moms talking about not feeling good in their bodies, feeling unhappy with the way they feel or look. Wishing they could “lose this,” “strengthen that,” “feel sexy again,” “feel comfortable in a bathing suit, and the list goes on.

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