Annabel Fitzsimmons: Meditating Mummy


Be A Warrior

A Yoga Pose for International Woman's Day

It’s International Women’s Day. As I began writing this post, I was going to ruminate on the importance of women’s voices, on the power and strength we hold in our hearts and minds, on our ability to initiate change. But my mind kept coming back to one particular yoga posture. It’s called Warrior III (or Virabhadrasana III in its Sanskrit name).

It is a posture that requires strength, balance, grace, power, openness and concentration. It involves being grounded and focused, but is also most effective when practiced with a sense of ease and lightness.

So, in honour of International Women’s Day, I am posting this image.

Feel free to try the pose and celebrate the balance of strength and softness of Warrior III. It’s certainly a metaphor for the power we women hold within.

