Andrea Loewen Nair: Connect-Four Parenting


Your Go-To Great Parenting Facebook Pages

Allergies, Autism, Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and more...

I am routinely asked for specific parenting resources that cover the wide range of experiences parents can have. In order to make it easier to find these resources, I created a list of Facebook pages to share as needed.

I recommend pages that are current with research, tell stories that help us to be better parents, and provide concrete, useful parenting strategies. If one of your favourite pages is not on this list, I’d love to know about it—please put a link to it in the comments below.

Here are my go-to parenting Facebook pages:

ADHD: Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)

Adoption: Two mothers who write about their experience with adoption are the editor-in-chief of The New York Times Motherlode, K.J. Dell' Antonia and psychotherapist Kristen Howerton, also Adoption Council of Canada (The Motherlode doesn't have a FB page, so I linked their website.)

Allergies: Irritated By Allergies by Alexandria Durrell

Anxiety (in children): This psychotherapist has a book called THE FEAR FIX and writes about anxiety - Sarah Chana Radcliffe

Asperger’s Syndrome (Also called Asperger’s Disorder): Asperger Syndrome Awareness, Asperger's Society of Ontario

Attachment Parenting: Attachment Parenting International

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Autism AwarenessAutism Society of America, Personal Blogs: Other Side of the Coin--Autism Blog by Julie M Green, also the co-founder of Mabel's Labels, Julie Cole, writes about autism on their blog.

Death, Loss and Grieving: There are two mothers who have experienced significant loss and write about this. Heather Spohr lost her young child and writes about that among other topics on her blog, The Spohrs Are Multiplying. Also, Psychology Today writer, Marilyn Price-Mitchell, PhD lost her husband when her children were young, and beautifully writes about that on her personal page: Roots Of Action

Education: Little Pickle Press, Jessica Lahey, Teacher Tom

Learning Disabilities: National Center for Learning Disabilities, Reading Development and "Disability" Community

Mental Health: NIH National Institute of Mental Health, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Mental Health Awareness Australia

Nutrition/ Picky Eating: Sarah Remmer Nutrition Consulting, Today I Ate A Rainbow

Postpartum Depression: Postpartum Progress, Life With A Baby

Relationships: Kelly Flannigan Bos - Psychotherapist, The Gottman Institute

Same Sex Families (LGBTQ): Proud Parenting, LGBTQ Parenting Network

Special Needs: Love That Max, Parenting Special Needs Magazine

Sexuality Education (for kids and couples): Nadine Thornhill - Sexuality Educator

Travelling alone: Journeywoman

Travelling with children: Globetrotting Mama

This post lists all my favourite books and pages about parenting/ positive discipline/ behavioural issues: "My Favourite Parenting Things."

And MY page Andrea Nair - parenting educator for all things parenting.