
When Your Child Has Many Tantrums

Questions to ask yourself when your child just keeps melting down.

screaming child

I recently asked the parents on my Facebook page to share their biggest challenges. Many parents explained that tantrums and the crazy-making behaviour of young children was the hardest thing for them right now. Yes, I too have cut "the wrong end of the freezie" so I understand what crazy-making means!

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Help For Toddler Biting

Tips to reducing a toddler's aggressive behaviour.

Most toddlers do some biting, and this behaviour is well within the normal, yet painful, things that toddlers do. Although a common phenomenon, it is still important to nip biting in the bud.

There are four main reasons that toddlers bite. I will list those below with suggestions to help in each case.

1. It looks like fun:

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Does "Attachment Parenting" Ensure Secure Attachment?

Improving the connection between parent and child

When I was pregnant with my first child, I wanted to know as much as I could about starting off on the right foot with my baby and, given my background as a psychotherapist, how to create a secure attachment with my child.

I discovered the term "attachment parenting" and thought, Perfect! If I do the tenets prescribed by Dr. Sears, I will ensure my child is cooperative, resilient, gets along well with others, has high self-esteem, optimal development, fewer tantrums, and will be more empathetic.

Except it wasn't so perfect.

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