
10 Lessons I Want My Kids to Learn

(None of them are common core math)

by: Alex Thom
10 Lessons I Want My Kids to Learn - Life would be a whole lot easier if we all learned these lessons. |

Life's tricky. I'm 40 and I still don't have it all figured out. In fact, I make (big) mistakes on the regular, so I might not be the one to start doling out life advice, but since when has incompetency stopped me before? 

Here are some lessons I really hope my kids learn before I did. Because life would've been a whole lot easier had I known this stuff before now.

Embrace Your Weird



I know we preach this a million times in a million different ways, but even adults aren't grasping this one. It's ok to be the one striking a new path. It's ok to want to do things differently. It's the outliers who change the world.

Kill Them With Kindness



For a long time, I forgot how to be kind. I forgot that those who are unkind to me are likely those in the most need of my kindness. And that's a lesson I want my kids to understand early. It's always better to approach a person with kindness than to retaliate in anger. Besides, nothing confuses an enemy more than being kind to them. So there. (I didn't say I was an angel, people.)

Read All the Books



There's never been a time when being able to discuss great books hasn't come in handy for me. The ability to lose oneself in a story, or to expand knowledge is so incredible. Reading is an amazing passtime, giving us insight into the world and other human beings.

Eat Properly



And I mean this in all ways. Eat the right foods to nourish your body. Eat well, and enjoy eating. But also, oh my god, chew with your mouth closed, use the right cutlery, and have some table manners. This stuff comes in handy in life, I promise.

Give Good Handshake


Maybe this is a little old school of me, but there's little less appealing than a wet noodle handshake. But we're not going for bone-crushing, either. The art of the smooth handshake matters, I think. Make it solid, firm, and be the first to offer one.

Be Generous



Be giving of your time, of your talents, and of your financial support if you're able. There are so many people out there in need, and you have something you can share with them, guaranteed. Be giving of patience and support, and be especially generous with sincere compliments and kindness. 

Don't Be Afraid to Apologize



A heartfelt apology goes a long way mending hurt feelings. Sure, it is difficult to swallow the ego we work so hard to make bulletproof, but it says a lot about a person's character when they're able to recognize mistakes, own up to them, and apologize properly. And going forward with better actions seals the deal, too. It's a lost thing, I fear.

Show Your Gratitude



Being thankful for, well, just about everything is important. So often we forget how those around us help make our lives better. Saying, "thank you" through our actions and words is important. Always say thank you. 

Be the Kind of Friend You Want to Have



Wow, I spent a lot of years bitching about stuff my friends did or did not do. Why is that? I wasn't cultivating the kinds of friendships I wanted because I wasn't treating anyone else the way I wanted to be treated. We all have the ability to walk away from relationships of any kind if they're not mutually beneficial, so why do we keep crappy friendship fires burning? When I figured out the kind of friend I wanted, I behaved in that way, and now I'm surround by my tribe. My people who get me. The ones who don't wait for phone calls, but are totally accepting of my awkward hugs and incessant iMessaging. Being a good friend is the first step to finding a good friend.

Never Stop Having Fun



Never, ever stop doing fun things. Be silly until you've laughed yourself unconscious. Have dance parties, sing along to your favourite songs, ride the rollercoasters and play. Just always play.

Image Source: Danny Sheppard

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