
Kid's Bedtime Can Be Fun (and Sleep Deprivation Isn't Making Us Say That)

Make Bedtime a Smarter Time

Kid's Bedtime Can Be Fun (and Sleep Deprivation Isn't Making Us Say That)

Bedtime is Perfect Learning Time |

With the school year now upon us, it’s time we're thinking about adjusting bedtimes. The relaxed summer schedules are fun – but getting to bed at a decent hour and getting a good night’s sleep is important for children.

Following a consistent and soothing routine where you can bond and meet your child’s attachment needs is key – but it can also be a great time to tie in some learning with reading and comprehension! Here are just a few ways you can help make bedtime the perfect time for your kids to learn.

Create a special bedtime nook

Bedtime stories don’t always have to happen in bed. What if you carved out a special bedtime nook in their room to make reading something to look forward to? Create an enticing, fun, creative area in your child’s room that’s special to them. Together, you can curl up and get caught up about your day, practice reading or even do some schoolwork. It’s a great way to make a special place in their room for quality time.

Set up a creative learning board

I created this fun magnetic board for my daughter’s room. She and I have a blast with it and it was super easy and affordable to make. Head over to the dollar store and buy a large size cookie sheet. Personalize it with duct tape and now your child has their own magnetic board for reading flash cards and alphabet magnets. Don’t forget that bedtime doesn’t just have to be a time for reading comprehension but it can also include math as well!

Bedtime is a Great Learning time |

Let them be storytellers!

Buy a plain canvas and collect different felt story boards available at most dollar and craft stores. Using foam letters, start off the story yourself and then let your child’s imagination run wild. Every night they can create their own story or add on different chapters. A great idea for some imaginative play and a great form of “output” right before bed.

Bedtime is a Great Learning time |

Encourage good habits through reading

It’s important to make sure you’re always opening up communication about sleep with your child. Incorporating bedtime books that can start these discussions can help begin that healthy relationship between your child and sleep. A well-rested child will be ready to take on the school year with better cognitive ability, a more pleasant mood and temperament and a stronger immune system.

This school year, make bedtime a great time to be together, be creative and get ready for some healthy (and smarter) zzz’s.

 RELATED: Back-To-School Sleep Prep 101

I provide free child and family sleep support on my Facebook page. I invite you to join our sleep community as I work towards Good Night Sleep Site's mission of a healthier rested family unit. For more sleep tips please visit Good Night Sleep Site and visit me on Instagram and Twitter. Join our movement and #BringBackBedtime.