
A Turkey's Revenge

Thanksgiving Fodder

A Turkey's Revenge

After a narrow escape from a wild turkey, a Sacremento news producer said, "I would not want to be the people living here."

The reporter, who was in the Arden area to investigate reports of turkeys chasing down joggers, soon found herself involved in a hot pursuit.

When she approached a wild turkey, it began to chase her, and chase her... And it just wouldn't let up.

Even as she screamed for the turkey to "Go away! Go away! Go awaaaay!", the fowl, undeterred, continued to follow her.

It was only when a mail truck pulled up next to her, slowing just enough for her to hop in, that the reporter narrowly escaped.

Turkey attacks proliferate YouTube. It seems the big birds are all about revenge this Thanksgiving, with celebrations taking place this past weekend in Canada and next month in the U.S.

Gobble, gobble.


Artist to Give Birth in Gallery

The Birth of Baby X

Artist to Give Birth in Gallery

Last week it was an Ottawa mom planning to stream her delivery live on the internet.  Now a performance artist from New York plans to give birth in an art gallery.

Marni Kotak has arranged to have her baby -- a 'project' she's dubbed “The Birth Of Baby X” -- at the Microscope Gallery in Bushwick.  Not surprisingly, the theme to her show is procreation.

“I hope that people will see that human life itself is the most profound work of art, and that therefore giving birth, the greatest expression of life, is the highest form of art,” Kotak said.

The gallery, which will be decked out with an inflatable birthing tub, a bed, a shower and a rocking chair, sounds a far cry better than many delivery rooms!

A midwife will attend the performance, and interested visitors will be alerted via email when Kotak goes into labour so they can make their way to the gallery to watch the display.

Let's hope guests bring their sleeping bags, as the average first-time labour lasts 24 hours.

Of course the history of performance art is full of blood and gore. Chris Burden reportedly shot himself in the arm in a "flesh-ripping, seminal piece".

Then there was the 1970s installation by Mary Kelly, “Post Partum Document” by Mary Kelly, in which Kelly obsessively documented mementos of her baby’s first year – spit-up on a burping cloth, a diaper pin, etc.

Do you think there is any difference between the birth coach Salguiero broadcasting her birth and Kotak's 'performance'?  Or are both instances equally exploitative and exhibitionist?


Sesame Street's Hungry Muppet

Growing Hope Against Hunger

Sesame Street's Hungry Muppet

We are pretty damn lucky people, on the whole.

This weekend, as you stuff yourself senseless with pumpkin pie and ride the turkey hangover, remember to count your lucky stars for such bounty.

Sesame Street is out to remind us just how good we've got it. They've created a new muppet called Lily to star in the puppets' upcoming prime-time special, “Growing Hope Against Hunger.”

In the hour-long special, the new puppet describes to Elmo and friends what it's like "growing up in a home where there isn’t always enough food to eat".

According to the USDA, in 2010 up to 16.2 million American children suffered from such "food insecurity".

The program also enlists the help of country music star Brad Paisley to teach children all the ways they can get involved: such as volunteering, planting a community garden, and organizing a food drive.

Historically, Sesame Street has never shied away from tough subjects, tackling them in a way that children can understand. The South African version of Sesame even has an HIV-positive muppet named Tammy.

The special is set to air on October 9th at 7 p.m. on a PBS near you, proving that some kids' TV is still worth watching.
