
How To Survive The 3 A.M. Feeding

The 3 a.m. feeding of baby is a toughie for new and experienced parents alike. Here's how to survive it (and feel less zombie-ish the next day):

Make that feeding parent-friendly. Create a nighttime feeding area with a comfy chair, soft lighting, and  a bottle of water for you (maybe even a snack). Parents of newborns rarely have a minute to sit (let alone twenty), so take the 3 a.m. feeding as your time to sit, relax, and enjoy baby. 

And know you aren't alone—keep your device handy and catch up on emails, Twitter, and Facebook.

Caroline Fernandez shares family friendly activities and tips on her site Parent Club. She is the author of Boredom Busters (Silver Birch Honor Book Award) and More Boredom Busters available in bookstores everywhere. Read her at www.parentclub.ca and follow her on twitter @ParentClub

(Confession: I tweet during field trips... doesn't everyone?)