Maureen Turner: We Are Family


Amber Teething Necklace

A Natural Alternative to Traditional Teething Pain Relief

When Siobhan was about three months old, it seemed that her teeth were starting to come in; not uncommon, I don’t think. So I started to look for alternatives to the regular Tylenol and Advil relief.

That’s when I first heard about amber necklaces, and I wrote this blog. Shortly after that, @Spearso from The Extraordinary Baby Shoppe contacted me to see if I would like an amber necklace to try. I said yes, please, and a few days later it arrived.

I have to admit, I was a little skeptical, but I figured it was at least pretty. Siobhan wore the necklace a few times and I would try to convince myself that it was helping, but I wasn’t sure. At such a young age, the crankiness could be for a variety of reasons.

I put the necklace aside.

Siobhan didn’t get any teeth until about 6 months, and she only got 2. She had just those 2 bottom teeth for ages. Then, all of a sudden, she had 4 or 5 teeth coming in at once.

I was surprised at how little she fussed about it, but when she did fuss, SHE REALLY FUSSED. Then I remembered the necklace.

One afternoon, when she was particularly fussy, I put the necklace on to see what would happen; she calmed down. I’m not kidding; she went from irritable and inconsolable to content.

Now, in the morning while I am getting her dressed, she plays with the necklace (attempting to put it around her neck) and then hands it to me when I am ready to put it on her. She wears it all day, except when she is sleeping, because even though I am told it’s safe, I couldn’t walk away from her crib if she had it on.

I don’t know if it’s because I wear a lot of necklaces that she likes it so much, but she really does want to wear that necklace, and it does seem to help with the teething, so thanks again @Spearso!
